The Rocky Mountain Snipe Championship will be held on September 22nd and 23rd at Union Reservoir in Longmont, Colorado – 30 miles north of Denver along I-25. All activities will be located at Union Sailing Club on the southeast side of the lake.
1. Rules:
This Regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing 2017- 2020.
2. Eligibility and Entry:
The event is open to Snipe class sailboats. Entrants must register for the event, pay the appropriate fees and sign a Union Sailing Club liability waiver.
3. Fees and Registration:
Entry Fee is $75.00. This fee includes lunch and dinner on Saturday and lunch on Sunday for both skipper and crew. Additional meals for the weekend will be $7.00 per lunch and $14.00 per dinner.
Registration is open online from August 21, 2018 until September 21, 2018. A late fee of $20.00 will be charged for onsite registrations.
Follow this link for online pre-registration: Rocky Mountain Snipe Championship at USC
4. Schedule of Events:
Saturday, September 22:
09:00 am – Check-in and/or onsite Registration (late fee of $20.00 will apply)
10:00 am – Junior Races
12:00 pm – Lunch and Skippers Meeting
01:00 pm – Three or more races back-to-back, no races to be started after 5:00 pm
06:30 pm – Dinner TBD
Sunday, September 23:
10:00 am – Two or more races back-to-back
01:00 pm – Awards and Lunch
5. Sailing Instructions:
The Sailing instructions, made available at check-in, take precedence over this NOR.
6. Regatta Site:
The Regatta Site will be at Union Sailing Club on the southeastern shore of Union Reservoir, Longmont, Colorado. Trailer launching is available at the public launch ramp at the Union Reservoir Park site. Union Sailing Club's launch ramp is dolly-launch only.
Any boats being brought onsite must report to the Union Reservoir Park main gate to be inspected for Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) by the Park staff prior to launching. This applies to all boats, even those launched at the USC dolly-only ramp.
Day Park Pass is REQUIRED $12/day for vehicle and $8/day for trailered boat. Park passes can be purchased at the Union Reservoir Park main gate.
7. Racing Area and Courses:
Racing area and courses will be described in the Sailing Instructions, available at check-in.
8. Scoring:
The scoring system will be the Low Point Scoring System found in Appendix A of the RSS. One race is required to be completed to constitute a series.
9. Disclaimer of Liability:
Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See Rule 4, Decision to Race. Snipe Fleet #210, Union Sailing Club, Union Reservoir Park, and the City of Longmont will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Marcus Ward – marcus.ward@gmail.com
Amanda Woeger – a_woeger@yahoo.com