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Junior Racing Sunday - Session 1

  • 13 Jun 2021
  • 12:30 PM - 4:00 PM (MDT)
  • Union Reservoir, Longmont CO
  • 6


Registration is closed

Capable Junior sailors are obviously welcome to join club racing at USC on any day. But in the summer of 2021, we are promoting four Sundays in which participation of Juniors is particularly encouraged. On these days, an experienced volunteer USC member will be on-hand to provide a simple clinic for Juniors before club racing. Further, during the club racing on that day, that volunteer will be in a safety boat to provide on-the-water coaching and support. This is a great opportunity for capable-yet-perhaps-timid Juniors to get the encouragement/support they need to start racing with the club. Additionally, experienced Junior racers get the opportunity for more coaching and support while showing the USC membership that Junior sailors are here to race competitively!

Requirements of the junior racer participants:

  • Must be (or must become) a USC member (remember, USC membership is a "family" membership)
  • Must have shown past level of sailing competency that indicates preparedness to start racing (for example, completion of Community Sailing of Colorado's camps for introduction to advanced sailing or advanced sailing)
  • Must able to follow instructions and have knowledge of rigging boats
  • Unless they provide their own boat, they must reserve and pay for boat rental fees (do not forget to allow time for the rental boat checkout process)
  • Must sign up to participate.

If you have questions please contact


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Mailing Address:
Union Sailing Club
PO Box 2208
Longmont, CO 80502

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