2019 Back to School Junior Regatta
Notice of Race
Location: Union Sailing Club, Longmont, Colorado
Date:Saturday, August 24, 2019
Organizing Authority:Union Sailing Club
Contacts and Links:http://www.unionsailingclub.org
Regatta Chair: Yaga Richter (jhbr@mac.com)
Regatta Highlights:
The Back to School Regatta is an annual junior regatta.Regatta headquarters will be at Union Sailing Club on the Southeast side of Union Reservoir in Longmont, Colorado. Union Sailing Club is dedicated to promoting small boat and youth sailing. Union Reservoir is a 750 acre no-wake lake is perfect for a junior event of all ability sailors. In addition to the Regatta, other activities are available for the family on the City side of the lake are swimming and paddle board rentals.
1. Rules:
1.1. This Regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing 2017- 2020.
1.2 The rules of each class shall apply.
1.3 USCG approved PFD’s shall be worn at all times by competitors while on the water and docks.
2. Eligibility and Entry:
2.1 The event is open to all boats of the Optimist, RS Tera, RS Feva, Lasers Radial, and/or Lasers 4.7.
2.2 Participants must be under 19 years of age.
2.3 Entrants must fill out a registration form and pay the appropriate fees.
3. Fees and Registration:
3.1 Regatta Entry fee: $25 per person if registered by August 19. $35 per person if registered after August 19. Entry includes snacks before and BBQ after racing at the Union Sailing Club as well as awards. At registration, registrants will be given an option to purchase additional BBQ tickets at $5 per child and $10 per adult.
3.2 Union Reservoir Park vehicle and boat passes must be purchased at the main park entrance for every participating boat and every car parked at the Union Sailing Club. Daily vehicle fee is $10, and a trailered boat fee is $8. After purchasing the boat fee, boats being brought on site will need to be inspected by the Union Reservoir Park staff for Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS). (Typically done at the main entrance, might be able to set up a time for a mass inspection)
3.3 Registration link: http://www.unionsailingclub.org/event-3509834
4. Schedule of Events:
9:00 - 10:00 amRegistration and boat rigging
10:00 Competitor’s meeting and snack (bagels & fruit);
Snacks (granola bars, gatorade, apple sauce will be available
also on the water)
10:30 amLaunch boats
11:00 amWarning signal for the first race (no race will be started after 4 pm)
4:30 pm (or 30 - 45 min after the end of the last race) BBQ and Awards
5. Sailing Instructions:
Sailing instructions which will be sent out by Friday before the reggatta, take precedence over this NOR if there are differences.
6. Regatta Site:
The regatta site will be at Union Sailing Club on the Southeastern Shore of Union Reservoir, Longmont, Colorado. Launching at Union Sailing Club is by dolly only, no vehicles are allowed on the gravel launch ramps. Vehicle/Trailer launching is available at the public concrete launch ramp at the Union Reservoir Park main site, on the South end of the lake, a short drive from USC (see attached map).
7. Racing Area and Courses:
Racing area and courses will be presented to competitors at the competitors briefing.
8. Scoring:
8.1 The Low Point System will apply.
8.2 3 boats will constitute a fleet.
8.3 The Regatta will consist of 3 to 10 races depending on weather conditions. One race shall be completed to constitute a Regatta.
9. Coach Boats:
9.1 All coach boats must register at the regatta check-in desk.
9.2 Coaches must attend the coaches’ briefing immediately following the competitor’s briefing.
9.3 Coaches shall not give advice, instruction, or any type of assistance during racing, except to render assistance to a boat in distress.
9.4 Coach boats are required to carry a VHF radio and monitor the main regatta channel which will be communicated during the coaches’ briefing.
10. Trophies:
Fleets with three or more boats will be awarded first, second, and third-place trophies.
11. Disclaimer of Liability:
Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See RRS Rule 4, Decision to Race. Union Sailing Club, Union Reservoir Park, and the City of Longmont will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.
12. Loaner Boats:
Union Sailing Club is able to provide 6 Optimists, 4 Lasers, and 2 RS Fevas, and Community sailing of Colorado (CSC) is able to provide 7 RS Teras. All boats can be chartered for a $25 fee. Boat reservations can be made on a first come, first serve basis on Union Sailing Club's Website. http://www.unionsailingclub.org/event-3509852
13. Photography Consent:
Competitors entering the racing series accept that they may be photographed and/or videotaped participating in the race and/or Union Reservoir or the Union Sailing Club’s facilities and they consent to the taking of such images and to the use, reuse, publication and republication of such images in any media, in conjunction with the competitor’s name or not, without compensation and without the competitor’s approval of such images or any use thereof.
14. Map: